Who is Furrrocious?

Hi. I am Furrrocious.
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I am 28 years old, and in my 'other' - non derby life, I work as a Social Worker in Community development.
I live in Utrecht, a medium sized town (450 thousand) in Holland.

In 2008 I was visiting my friends in Asheville NC and my friend Molly took me to a Roller Derby bout. That's when I was first introduced to Roller Derby.
I had no idea what it was, and was blown away, to say the least...
And to be honest I was totally intimidated, these strong though girls kicking ass... I couldn't possibly do that! So I forgot about Roller Derby all together.

Until on a cold friday night on January 8th 2010 I saw Whip It.
And I all the Roller Derby memories came back to me. The same night I looked online and found out that there was one league in Holland, the Amsterdam Derby Dames. I emailed, and that Monday the 11th of January 2010 I went to my first Roller Derby practice.

Picture by Kees Rijken

Picture by Ian Roofthooft

 And now almost 3,5 years later I have been definitely infected with the derby virus. I have been lucky enough to have played all of our A-team bouts since we started playing bouts in august 2011. I have been actively involved in our league as president (third term now) and as our inter league representative. 
Picture by Dirty Job

Picture by Jurgen Rijsdijk

I've started coaching incidentally within our league a while back, but since last year I am one the regular coaches for our b-team and I am really enjoying coaching. Early this year I became one of the two coaches for the Dutch National Mens derby team.

Picture by David McAleavy

When I don't play or (bench)coach, I love being part of the officials crew as an NSO. I have really learned to understand the game a lot better by officiating. I enjoy being part of the game from the "other" side of the track, preferable the inside that is.

I also enjoy watching derby! I mean except for the 'normal' reasons, of it being the most epic sport ever. I really love to watch and scream and I get all crazy excited.
I just recently found out it apparently brings out the crafter as well the hooligan in me.