After the bit of partying I did on the first day of RollerCon. Day two didn't start out all to early...
The first thing I did was meet up with Jennifer from Fast Girl Skates to meet about upgrading my skates, with a better and more durable plate. Being a big girl, at 105kg, my nylon plate is not made for me. Unfortunately the plate I want to get is not available at RollerCon, but luckily Jennifer has it at her store in Seattle. So she will take my skates Sunday, mount the new plates and send them to my family in Texas, so I'll still be able to take them with me next week.
I love Fast Girl Skates, they are not only helping you to get what fits you best, but they want to educate you on your skates and everything there is to know about wheels, bearings, plates, etc. And for me that is great. Cause to be honest, I don't know anything about skates. I mean I know more then I did when I started. But there is so much I didn't know yet.
After that I woke up looking at different challenge bouts. And oh my gosh it's so good to watch these talented skaters play!!
We still have a long way to go. But in such a positive way, we can only get better! And we have a goal to aim for too. It's inspiring to be here.

After I woke up watching those games and getting inspired, I was ready to take a class again. And I went to an international class by Trish the Dish. International classes at RollerCon are totally amazing by the way, the have one each day, where people with an international passport and people from Hawaii and Alaska get in before anybody else. Which is pretty awesome.
Anyways, the class was all about hitting and timing and working together and positioning yourself in a pack.
Trish the Dish is pretty fucking amazing. And I was happy I decided to go to her class.
Unfortunately the thing I've been afraid of before I came here happened. My ankles played up again. Within ten minutes my ankles were hurting so bad I had to stop. I am still officially not sure what it is. But it might be shin splints, but then on the sides of my legs, mostly at the ankles height. One of the worst things about this pain is that you never know when it will come. Cause I skated all day Monday, with in total maybe 5 min of pain, and I was able to continue after that.
This time I wasn't that lucky... Asa Spades was there as an EMT and helped me stretching both my legs. Which usually helps. And it did for a little bit, so I went back in but with in 5 min I had to stop again.
I cried... I get so frustrated when my body doesn't want to work with my mind wants it to do.
As I see it we have several stages to work through while on our way to play Roller Derby and for some these stages might not apply as much as for others. But they are there for all.
We have to work through getting fit, roller derby is much more of an athletic sport then people think or realize. And getting your body to be able to deal with all the hard work and training is especially hard for people with no athletic background.
Then working through frustration... This happens in so many levels. Getting frustrated with yourself for not being the best player you want to and can be. Getting frustrated with your body, pain and injuries...
It's a lot to deal with.
After I decided it might be better to take it easy and not skate the rest of the day (which isn't an easy decision to make...) I enjoyed the rest of the day by watching the rest of that class (which was absolutely amazing. Learned lots. Fun new drills Hayles!!), watching bouts and scrimmages.
Also I did lots of talking again! :)
I met so many great people!!

Fisty and ChefX inline for the black and white scrimmage.
At night there are so many things going on at the same time. There was a pajama party from Riedell. Which I missed cause I was at the scrimmage. There was an 80 dance party, which wasn't really my thing. And then the pool is open 24hr a day especially for RollerCon.
I ended up at the pool, and hung out with our delegation from Gent, Rotterdam, Essen and Berlin!

Whipping red siren won this great Riedell skate bag at the pajama party.

I skate Europe!! :)

Pool party!!
Of course we had way to much fun in the pool. A small group of about 15 people ended up playing in the pool with a ball (yeah, we might not like a ball on our track, but we sure like it in our pools! :p ) for hours. Never thought playing with a ball could be that entertaining for that long. :)
It was a great night. And I am sure the black and blue ball next to the pool will be amazing too! :)
Now I am off to see an EMT cause I got a skate on the inside of my ankle Wednesday and it really kind of hurts.... Let's just hope I'll be able to skate today....
- Furrrocious